

What is Dermaroller?

Dermaroller is a medical device consisting of a heavy duty plastic roller head covered in high quality titanium needles, also known as skinroller.

Dermaroller known as Skinroller, as a skincare device, is designed to use on Derma Rolling  System which is called a 4-generation skincare program and consisted of various kinds of needles, such as 0.25mm∼2.5mm, for optimal treatment on the skin.

How is it applied?

The needles are designed to penetrate the stratum corneum, conium the hard outer surface of the epidermal layer of the skin, body or scalp. Hundreds of tiny channels are created through the stratum corneum, which facilitate the passage and absorption of your skin care product, or minoxidil for hair restoration into the dermis, to maximize its absorption.

What are the benefits?

It gently exfoliates excess skin cells which contribute to hair follicle malnutrition, scaring or premature aging, and ultimately hair follicle failure, wrinkles, stretch marks, cellulite and scars. The roller stimulates blood flow to the surface, gives a skin massage, cleans out the pores and stimulates collagen re-growth.