Fibrocell Applications

Fibrocell Applications

Fibrocell is focused on developing personalized medicine by using patient’s own fibroblast cells carried through the time reversing Autologous Fibroblast Cellular treatment method. Wrinkles that appear with age are a trouble of men and women all together. Collagen and elastin are considerably reduced in cells worn out in time. 

Nowadays, this situation can be prevented by tissue engineering techniques. Fibroplast cells transplanted into the needed area ensure the skin to regain its former look and tightness. 

Why Fibrocell?


  • Provides a natural look
  • Non- toxic
  • Safe
  • Long-lasting and permanent results
  • Non-carcinogenic ( materials and substances causing cancer)
  • Individual treatment, preventing allergies
  • No risk of animal virulence
  • Elastic enough
  • Does not spill into other areas, remains where injected
  • Awarded by patient’s own cells, does not contain any side effects



Areas of application

  • Dermatology and Dermo- cosmetics
  • In the treatment of hair-loss and baldness
  • In the treatment of stretch marks
  • Facial rejuvenation procedures by mesotherapy applications
  • Filling pores and blemish scars after diseases such as  chickenpox or acne
  • Burn, surgical or trauma caused skin scarring
  • In the treatment of non-closes chronic wounds
  • Facial wrinkles
  • Plumping lips

How is Fibrocell applied?

A skin tissue as big as a lentil drop is removed under sterile conditions behind the ear, under the arm or groin area. Application field is previously anesthetized
with locally and topically applied anaesthetic inhalation cream.  Taken tissue sample are sent to the laboratory, together with fully equipped cold chain aseptic solutions, and prepared for production.
Once the necessary period to obtain the density of cells is reached in a month time, fibroblast cells are delivered to the physician in a cold chain under sterile conditions. Reproduced cells are re injected into the area to be treated. The treatment is performed in three sessions as in every session 20 to 40 million fibroblast cells are injected. In total, 100 million fibro cells in all of the three sessions are injected into patient’s skin.