Laser Skin Rejuvenation


Laser Skin Rejuvenation (Photorejuvenation)

Intense pulsed light (IPL) photorejuvenation is a treatment for spots on skin that appear with growing age, brownish spots, rosacea, redness, ruptured blood vessels and more. With this innovative method, skin rejuvenation is now much easier than ever.

This advanced technique treats skin damage safely because there is no disruption of the epidermal surface of the skin. It’s the best way to get rid of sun damage and skin deterioration brought upon by aging and it allows you a quick recovery without the risk of complications.

What are the main benefits of IPL skin rejuvenation ?

The main benefits of laser skin rejuvenation are:

  • Reduces and lightens broken blood vessels, dilated blood vessels, rosacea and redness on the neck, face and chest.
  • Lightens and removes ‘age spots’, ‘sun spots’ and brown blotches present on the neck, face and chest.
  • Laser rejuvenation controls flushing.
  • Improves skin texture by improving collagen stimulation.
  • Improves pore size by temporarily reducing oiliness.

Skin rejuvenation treatments run for 3-5 sessions and the time gap between running sessions is generally 3 to 6 weeks. The benefits of this treatment can be achieved with minimal risk and little discomfort.

What should i expect after my photorejuvenation treatment ?

You may experience some redness, light swelling and darkening of brown spots after your first treatment. Don’t worry about it though. All these symptoms will disappear in few days. Makeup can be applied directly after the treatment, if desired. You will have smoother and more evenly toned skin after the treatment. You will also observe a gradual decrease in redness, age spots, flushing and fine lines after each recurring session.

What precautions should be taken prior to the treatment ?

We will give you few instructions to follow. Some of the basic instructions prior to this treatment are:

  • Avoid self-tanning and exposure to sun for 2-4 weeks before your treatment.
  • You may be asked to discontinue some medicines such as minocycline, retin-A, tetracycline etc. several days before each treatment.
  • Avoid taking ibuprofen, aspirin or Aleve at least one week prior to this treatment.